U-18 Yaş Kategorisi Kadın Basketbolcuların Çeviklik ve Yön Değiştirme Yetilerine Klasik Kuvvet Antrenman Uygulamalarının Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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Basketball, agility, classical strength, change of direction


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of classical strength training on the agility and change of direction abilities of U-18 age category female basketball players. The mean age of the experimental group (n=12; classical strength & basketball technique, tactical training) was 17.52 ± 0.5 years and height was 178.5 ± 5.03 cm, while the mean age of the control group (n=13; control group - basketball technique, tactical training) was 17.5 ± 0.51 years and height was 171.4 ± 6.13 cm. In the first and last weeks of the ten-week period, the values of "25 meter V (cut) floor change of direction times, Illinois agility times, 1 maximum repetition (MT) bench press test, inverted row test, 1 MT leg press test and 1 MT shoulder press test" were determined. In the first 2-week period, after the experimental group completed the anatomical adaptation phase, they applied the classical strength training model for eight weeks for 3 days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) in the micro-cycle starting from the 3rd week. The participants in the experimental and control groups took part in the branch-specific training program, which included basketball combined technique, tactics and shooting, for ten weeks on 3 days (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) in microcycles. Data were evaluated with Mann Whitney-U. When the post-test values of body weight (kg), 1 MT bench press (kg), inverted row (pcs), 1 MT leg press (kg), 1 MT shoulder press (kg), 25 m V (cut) change of direction time (sec, ss) and Illinois agility (sec, ss) post-test values were found to be significantly different in favor of the experimental group. As a result; it is seen that classical strength training contributes positively to change of direction times, agility time and some strength parameters.



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How to Cite

TOPRAKLI, M., GENÇ, H., J. F. ABUDAQQA , M., YILMAZ , S. S., GÜRYEL , S. S., & YÜKSEL, O. (2024). U-18 Yaş Kategorisi Kadın Basketbolcuların Çeviklik ve Yön Değiştirme Yetilerine Klasik Kuvvet Antrenman Uygulamalarının Etkisinin İncelenmesi. International Journal of Holistic Health, Sports and Recreation, 3(1), 48–64. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12600365