The Fighting Side of the Virtual World: The Effects of Violent War and Sports Games on Adolescent Aggression Behavior

Aggression, internet addiction, sports, digital game addiction, adolescenceAbstract
The advancement in computer technology and the widespread use of the internet have made it easier for human beings to access information. However, this situation brings with it negative consequences. Individuals of all ages in the society are affected by these negative situations. However, adolescent children are more affected. Video games, which are especially popular among adolescent children, create disorders such as addiction, sedentary life, abusive speech habits and weakening of social skills. The aim of this study; The aim of this study is to examine the effect of social development-based education program on the behavior of adolescents who play violent digital games. Experimental design was used in the research. The aggression reduction program prepared by the researcher was given to the experimental group for four hours, two days a week; In total, it was applied for 40 hours. Before this program, the aggression, internet addiction, game addiction and resilience scores of the participants were examined for the pre-test. As a result of the research, a significant difference was observed between the pre-test and post-test results according to the findings obtained as a result of the analysis of Aggression, Internet Addiction and Game Addiction in the experimental group students who were applied aggression reduction program. The applied aggression reduction training caused a decrease in the aggressive behavior of the adolescents in the experimental group. At these ages when emotional development is very important, the importance of aggression and similar training has been seen once again. Psychological Resilience scores of the participants remained stable.
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