The Effect of Artificial Climbing Wall on Body Composition and Dynamic Balance in Recreational Climbers

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  • Fulya ÇAKIR Dumlupinar University, Faculty of Sports sciences
  • Ahmet Tayfun YALÇIN Dumlupinar University, Faculty of Sports sciences
  • Talha ŞİMŞEK Dumlupinar University, Faculty of Sports sciences
  • Onur ÇERİ Dumlupinar University, Faculty of Sports sciences
  • Mustafa ÜLKÜLÜ Dumlupinar University, Faculty of Sports sciences
  • Oğuzhan YÜKSEL Dumlupinar University, Faculty of Sports sciences



Recreational limbing, body composition, balance


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of variable difficulty artificial climbing wall training on body composition and dynamic balance in recreational climbers. There were 20 female participants in the study. The mean age was 20.75 ± 1.5 years and height was 163.5 ± 5.5 cm (n=10; recreational wall climbing group, n=10; control group). Body composition (Tanita BC 418) and Modified Y balance values were determined in the first and last weeks of the eight-week period. The recreational wall climbing group trained on artificial wall climbing with varying degrees of difficulty during the eight-week period, while the control group was not included in any training program. Data were evaluated with Mann Whitney-U. When the pre-post test values of the groups were compared, a significant decrease was observed in general body and trunk fat (kg) values in favor of the experimental group. In addition, there was a change in Modified Y balance right foot fixed left foot reaching percentages in favor of the experimental group (p<.05). In conclusion; it is seen that artificial wall climbing training contributes positively to body composition and dynamic balance values.


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How to Cite

ÇAKIR, F., YALÇIN, A. T., ŞİMŞEK, T., ÇERİ, O., ÜLKÜLÜ, M., & YÜKSEL, O. (2023). The Effect of Artificial Climbing Wall on Body Composition and Dynamic Balance in Recreational Climbers. International Journal of Holistic Health, Sports and Recreation, 2(2), 87–104.