Investigation of Risk Take and Quality of Life of Individuals Who Do Extreme Sports

Extreme sports, risk taking, quality of lifeAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the risk taking and quality of life levels of individuals engaged in different extreme sports according to different variables. The study group consisted of 175 participants, 156 (89.1%) men and 19 (10.9%) women, who had at least one competition experience in the Eastern Anatolia region. As a data collection tool, the personal information form created by the researchers (age, gender, year of doing sports, number of children, for what purpose do you do sports) was first used by Weber et al. to measure risk-taking behaviors in people. (2002) and the short form of Blais and Weber (2006) was prepared by Dinç and Tez (2019), the Turkish validity and reliability study "DOSPERT (A The "World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-Short Form Turkish Version" consisting of general physical, psychological, social and environmental sub-dimensions, developed by Eser et al. (1999), was used. In the analysis of the data, since it was seen that the normality test did not show normal distribution, the Mann Whitney-U test was used for pairwise comparisons from non-parametric tests, and the Kruskal Wallis H test for more than two comparisons. In the results of the research, there was no significant difference in risk taking and quality of life sub-dimensions according to the variables of gender and for what purpose you do sports (P>0.05). According to the age variable, a significant difference was observed in favor of the 18-30 age group, social and financial, among the sub-dimensions of risk taking (p<0.05). According to the number of children, there was a significant difference in favor of those who did not have children in risk-taking sub-dimensions, social, financial and recreational (P<0.05). As a result, it can be said that the quality of life of those who do extreme sports increases as the number of years and age increases, and there is a decrease in risk taking.
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