Developing The Motivational Factor Scale for Participating in Ultra Marathon

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Ultra Marathon, sport festival, reliability, validity, outdoor recreation


The purpose of this study way to developed “The Motivastional Factor Scale for Participating Ultra Marathon-UMMO” and define the validity and reability for Turkish population. The sampling group and universe was consisted of participants of 2016 and 2017 Ultra Marathon race in Turkey. Data were collected electronic survey consisted of 65 items 65 items were taken from the studies done by Masters et al. (1993) and by Ardahan and Caliskan (2017). To identify the sub-factors of the scale, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was run with 65 items. Varimax rotation technique was conducted in the exploratory factor analysis and varimax rotation was performed for UMMÖ and the UMMÖ was grouped into ten factors. Whether the data was suitable to this analysis, Kaiser Mayer Olkin (0.751) and Bartlett Spheritiy test (p<0.05) results were taken into consideration. Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency test (0.946) was applied to the identified sub-factors and overall scale. The variance explained by this subscale was %84,019.  As a result, it can be concluded that “The Motivational Factor Scale for Participating Ultra Marathon-UMMO” has reliability and validity in the estimation of the reasons of participating in Ultra Marathon for the Turkish population.  


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How to Cite

ÇALIŞKAN, A., & ARDAHAN, F. (2022). Developing The Motivational Factor Scale for Participating in Ultra Marathon. International Journal of Holistic Health, Sports and Recreation, 1(1), 1–16.