Development of the Scale of Factors That Motivate Individuals to Play Tennis as a Serious Leisure Activity and Conducting Its Validity and Reliability Study

Tennis, Serious Leisure, MotivationAbstract
The purpose of this study is to develop the Scale of Factors Motivating Individuals to Play Tennis as a Serious Leisure Activity (CBZTMFÖ). The main population of the study consists of individuals who played tennis as a serious leisure activity in clubs, academies and municipalities that provided facilities and training opportunities in Antalya city center between October-2019 and March-2020, the number of which cannot be determined exactly. The sample consists of 286 individuals aged 15 and over who played tennis as a serious leisure activity in the city center between October-2019 and March-2020 and who volunteered to fill out the survey. Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) was applied to the item list of CBZTMFÖ consisting of 51 items. After removing 13 items that were factored in the wrong factor or had common variance values less than 0.05 from the list, EFA was applied to the remaining 38 items again. CFA analysis was performed on the model obtained with EFA and the sub-dimensions of CBZTMFÖ were determined. In order to question the structural validity of CBZTMFÖ, correlations between items and factors were examined. Cronbach's Alpha values were examined for the internal consistency of the scale. Varimax rotation method was used in the model. When the findings obtained were evaluated, it can be said that CBZTMFÖ, consisting of a total of 38 items and 9 sub-factors, is valid and reliable for the Turkish population.
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