The Investigation of the Effect of an 8-Week Plyometric Training Program on Agility, Speed and Balance Parameters in Sedentary Individuals Between the Ages of 10-12

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of an 8-week plyometric training program on agility, speed, and balance parameters in sedentary individuals aged 10-12. Forty middle school students (10-12 years old) who volunteered to participate in the study were randomly divided into an experimental group (age: 10.9±0.8317 years, height: 141.450±10.312 cm, body weight: 40.875±5.9 kg, n:20) and a control group (age: 11±0.794 years, height: 141.950±10.431 cm, body weight: 42.4±4.499 kg, n:20). The experimental group was given a plyometric training program three times a week for 8 weeks, considering the physical and developmental characteristics of the individuals. Body mass index, body weight, agility test (t-test), flamingo balance test, 10m speed test, 20m speed test, and 30m speed test measurements were taken. When comparing the pre- and post-training performances of the groups, there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of pre-test group body mass index (t=-2,706; p˃.05), body weight (t=-1,652; p˃.05), t-test (agility) (t=-,459; p˃.05), flamingo balance test (t=-,141; p˃.05), 10m speed test (t=-,266; p˃.05), 20m speed test (t=-,900; p˃.05), and 30m speed test (t=-,864; p˃.05) skills. When comparing the pre- and post-exercise performances of the groups, a significant difference was found between the experimental and control groups in terms of post-test group body mass index (t=-4,587; p˂.05), body weight (t=-4,099; p˂.05), t-test (agility) (t=-7,506; p˂.05), flamingo balance test (t=-5,438; p˂.05), 10m speed test (t=-3,933; p˂.05), 20m speed test (t=-4,461; p˂.05), and 30m speed test (t=-5,564; p˂.05) skills. Overall, when looking at the pre- and post-training periods, it was determined that the experimental group, which underwent a plyometric training program, developed positively. It was determined that an 8-week plyometric training program applied to sedentary individuals aged 10-12 significantly improved their agility, speed, and balance test performance. Longitudinal studies should be conducted to evaluate the long-term effects of plyometric training. Studies should be expanded to include a wider age range and gender differences. The effects of plyometric training on coordination, strength, and flexibility should also be investigated.
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