Jealousy Scale in Athletes (SCQ): Validity and Reliability Study

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Sports, jealousy, scale development


The purpose of this research; To develop a measurement tool to reveal the jealousy levels of athletes. A literature review was conducted during the process of creating the candidate scale form, and 45 items remained from the 55-item form, considering the focus group and expert opinions of 11 experts in the relevant field. A 45-item, 5-Likert scale trial form was applied to 300 athletes. EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis) was used to explain the results of the data collected from the athletes. At the end of the analysis, it was concluded that the study consists of 3 sub-dimensions and 21 items in total: 'Performance & Success Jealousy', 'Conditions & Opportunities Jealousy' and 'Social Support & Popularity Jealousy'. To ensure validity in the study, CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) was performed by collecting 21 items and 271 data from athletes, and standardized values and t values revealed that all items were significant. It has been found that all of the standardized coefficients of the fit indices of the tested measurement model ensure the fit of the measurement model. In addition, the fact that the convergent reliability (CR) and explained variance (AVE) values of the study are significant shows that the items meet the necessary criteria for the factor. Finally, the Cronbach Alpha internal consistency values of the sub-dimensions were calculated as .858 in the first sub-dimension, .859 in the second sub-dimension and finally .868 in the third sub-dimension. As a result of these findings, the 'Jealousy in Athletes Scale (JSC)' was found to be scientifically and psychometrically reliable and valid. showed that it is.


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How to Cite

ÇEKİÇ, A., UZUN, N. B., & ÇEPİKKURT, F. (2023). Jealousy Scale in Athletes (SCQ): Validity and Reliability Study. International Journal of Holistic Health, Sports and Recreation, 2(2), 116–130.