Investigation of Recreational Sports Well-Being Levels In Individuals Who Engage In Functional Training

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  • Günay ÇERİT Ondokuz Mayıs University



Functional training, recreation, sports, well-being


Functional training is a type of training we do to gain the strength, flexibility and coordination we need in daily activities. Positive effects such as socialization, complete physical and mental well-being, and increased motivation have been observed in individuals who do sports for recreational purposes. The aim of this study is to examine the recreational sports well-being levels of individuals doing functional training in terms of different variables. The sample of the research consists of a total of 114 individuals doing active functional training, 62 of whom are women and 52 of whom are men. Recreational Sports Well-Being Scale (RSSI) was used as a data collection tool. Individuals were asked about demographic characteristics such as gender, age, height, weight, monthly income and sports history. Before analyzing the data, a normality test was performed and it was determined that it did not show a normal distribution. Nonparametric tests, Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis tests, were used for non-normally distributed data. According to the research findings, while no statistically significant difference could be obtained in variables such as gender, age, height and weight, statistical significance was tested in some sub-dimensions of sports history and monthly income level variables. When we look at the sports history variable, this significance in the Family Relationship Development (AİG) sub-dimension shows that as the individual's sports years increase, family relationships also increase and develop at the same rate. In the individuals' monthly income variable, statistical significance was found in the family relationship development and Positive emotion (PD) sub-dimensions. In this respect, we can say that the development of family relationships and positive mood of individuals with a monthly income are positively affected.


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How to Cite

ÇERİT, G. (2023). Investigation of Recreational Sports Well-Being Levels In Individuals Who Engage In Functional Training. International Journal of Holistic Health, Sports and Recreation, 2(2), 47–58.