Investigation of Covid-19 Anxiety and Leisure Time Squeezing Levels of Individuals Playing Sports

Sports, Recreation, Leisure, Covid-19, PandemicAbstract
In this research, the relationship between the anxiety of catching COVID-19 and the levels of boredom in their free time after the closure measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic process, and the anxiety levels of catching COVID-19 and the levels of boredom in their free time according to some demographic characteristics of the participants. It is aimed to evaluate the differences between While the relational screening and causal comparison model, which are among the general screening models, is used in the study, the sample group of the research consists of 277 participants who did sports in the Spor Istanbul facilities in the past. From data collection tools; The opinions of the participants were recorded using the Athletes' Anxiety of Conceiving New Type Coronavirus Scale and the Scale of Perception of Being Bored in Leisure, and they were analyzed with the SPSS 24.0 program. While there was a significant difference between the anxiety levels of catching COVID-19 among the participants according to the preferred branch variable, it was determined that those who preferred swimming the most had this anxiety, and there were no significant differences between the participants' age, gender, income status and COVID-19 anxiety. However, statistically significant differences were observed between the exercise frequency and branch preferences of the participants before the pandemic conditions and the level of boredom in their free time. A low level of correlation was found between the anxiety levels of the participants to catch Covid-19 and the perception levels of boredom in leisure time. While there was a significant difference between the anxiety levels of catching COVID-19 among the participants according to the preferred branch variable, it was determined that those who preferred swimming the most had this anxiety, and there were no significant differences between the participants' age, gender, income status and COVID-19 anxiety. However, statistically significant differences were observed between the exercise frequency and branch preferences of the participants before the pandemic conditions and the level of boredom in their free time. A low correlation was found between the anxiety levels of the participants to catch Covid-19 and the perception levels of boredom in leisure time.
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