Comparison of Some Motoric Characteristics of Kickboxing and Muaythai Athletes

kickboxing, muaythai, motoric featuresAbstract
While Kick Boxing is done with punch and kick strokes, Muay Thai Sports branch consists of punch and kick strokes as well as techniques with knee and elbow strokes. Kick Boxing and Muay Thai Sports branches are defense and combat sports that are played on the ring today. In addition, some competition styles of kick boxing are performed on the tatami. Kick Boxing and Muay Thai athletes need to do intense performance-enhancing training in order for the athletes to dominate each other in the styles they do. Some of the motoric features that Kick Boxing and Muay Thai athletes want to achieve are important parameters that affect the performance of athletes such as strength, speed, endurance and flexibility. In this study, the vertical jump heights, standing long jump, penta jump (five jump) test, flexibility (sit and lie down) test, Illinois agility test and flamingo balance test were measured from some selected motoric features of the athletes doing kick boxing and muay thai sports. In addition, anthropometric features of height, body weight and waist circumference measurements were made and recorded in the data collection form. In the analysis of the data, the average and standard deviation were given, the kurtosis and skewness values were checked for the normal distribution of the data and it was seen that it showed normal distribution according to the Shapiro-Wilk test. Accordingly, besides the descriptive statistics, the independent sample T test was applied. While it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the two groups in the waist circumference measurement, vertical jump, double-foot jump, flexibility, penta jump and balance tests of Muaythai and Kickboxing participants, there was a statistically significant difference between the agility tests of the two groups. determined (p<0.05). Kickboxing and muaythai athletes, who are similar in terms of their physical characteristics, show that some of their motoric characteristics are similar in the tests.
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