The Importance of Temporary Recreation Areas in the Post-Earthquake Rehabilitation Process

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Earthquake, Temporary Housing, Rehabilitation, Recreation Areas, Recreative Settlement Area


The traumatic effects that arise after earthquakes can significantly impact the quality of life for earthquake victims. These effects are not limited to physical injuries; they can also leave profound marks on mental and social health. The aim of study is to draw attention to the importance of temporary recreational settlements, with a focus on the role of recreational areas in improving the mental, physical and social health of earthquake victims in the aftermath of earthquake.  In this study designed according to the traditional literature review among qualitative research methods, involved the scanning of various academic databases to review articles, reports, and other sources related to temporary housing areas, recreational areas, and the mental, physical and social health of earthquake victims. The findings were related to temporary recreational settlement areas, and conclusions were drawn to address the research objective. As a result of the literature review, it was determined that the temporary recreational housing of earthquake victim plays a significant role in reducing the effects of their traumatic experiences and in the process of psychological recovery. In addition, it has been determined that temporary recreational housing areas play an important role in meeting the social needs of earthquake victim and in the process of social integration. The study concludes that temporary housing areas established to meet the housing needs of earthquake victim should be planned together with recreational areas. With these features, the study presents ideas that will contribute to a better life for communities that have been rehabilitated following natural disasters, provides a different perspective to other studies on meeting people's shelter needs, and makes some suggestions for future alternatives.


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How to Cite

GENÇ, N., & YILMAZ, G. (2024). The Importance of Temporary Recreation Areas in the Post-Earthquake Rehabilitation Process. International Journal of Holistic Health, Sports and Recreation, 3(1), 17–38.