Investigation of The Expectations From The Gym and Social Appearance Concerns of Individuals Using The Fitness Center

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  • Özlem EKİZOĞLU Erzincan Binali Yildirim University, Faculty of Sports Sciences
  • Mehmet ACET Dumlupinar University, Faculty of Sports sciences
  • Hami YILDIRIM Dumlupinar University, Faculty of Sports sciences



Expectancy, fitness, anxiety, social appearance


This study was carried out to examine the reasons why individuals go to fitness centres, their reasons for choosing the gyms they go to, their expectations, their satisfaction with the services provided and their effects on individuals' social appearance concerns. A total of 312 athletes, 176 men and 136 women, who go to step-aerobics and fitness gyms in Giresun province and its districts, constitute the sample group of the research. A 38-question survey form and a 7-question personal information form developed by Duran (2013) to determine the expectations of those who go to bodybuilding and fitness centers are the data collection tools of the research. Evaluation of the survey as statistical procedures: k-square analyzes were made for associations with frequency and percentage (%) distribution in the SPSS 21 package program, and the significance level was determined as (p˂ 0.05). As a result, the average age of the participants in this research, which was conducted to determine the expectations and social appearance anxiety levels of individuals going to fitness centers, is 21.56±2.30, their average height is 172.99±9.06 and their body weight is 69.11±11.70. 56.4% of those responding to the survey were male and 43.6% were female; It consists of 2.2% married and 97.7% single individuals. When the participants' expectations from bodybuilding and fitness centers are examined; have high sports awareness, enjoy sports, care about their health, have no health problems, do not smoke or drink alcohol, do sports; Participant characteristics such as stress relief, health and relaxation, paying attention to the advice of friends when choosing a gym, preferring treadmills the most, finding their trainers' knowledge about their training level sufficient even though their knowledge is limited, and making their own weekly programs to lose weight are observed. When the questions and answers regarding their social appearance are examined, it can be said that the participants are self-confident.


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How to Cite

EKİZOĞLU, Özlem, ACET, M., & YILDIRIM, H. (2023). Investigation of The Expectations From The Gym and Social Appearance Concerns of Individuals Using The Fitness Center. International Journal of Holistic Health, Sports and Recreation, 2(2), 28–46.